Thursday, November 7, 2013

Dont Listen to a Critic (one giant rant)

i dont  think they should exist, they are ruining art

how can a critic creeteek art? weather its artwork,a song, a music album, or a movie how can they tell you it needs to be better? like it has to be something that has to be improved, ART in any form like any individual is beautiful in its own way through its uniqueness

F*** what that one guy thinks,

that ONE... GUY!!

he didnt pour blood sweat and tears, his time and energy, he didnt spend all day and night thinking and creating, he just some guy that acts like he knows whats good,


what if I don't like your idea whats good,what if I find good different from yours? oh but you're a critic and there's people out there that agree with you, what does that matter? it still isnt me so it looks like we don't know what the f*** we're talking about, and therefore we shouldn't criticize other peoples work i mean if you want to be a sheep and follow the heard by all means go, but you just letting someone think for you and so it leads me to believe that people cant think for themselves so they rely on what their friends and other people have to say instead of having a mind of their own, like for example if you see a trailer to movie and you think you might be interested but you hear that the critics gave it bad reviews and your friends say don't see it, it sucks, but you have a feeling you might like it? GO SEE IT! don't let some critic especially if its your friend ruin a good movie! you could be missing a really great movie but you would never know if you are watching it and decide you don't like it, go ask for your money back, but.. at least give it a chance!

tho i understand too that filmmakers and musicians start out making real art, and sometimes there's a guy out there with a suit on and looks at them and sees dollar signs so they get owned by these big studios and music labels because they have someone paying for everything, and are sometimes promised that they can make whatever they want but only to have their best work and looked over and examined...and has to qualify for approval, but in their heads they just know what people want and what sells cause that critic gave them good reviews of that last movie they did, or those kind songs are doing well on the radio and so it makes money but just cause it makes money, doesn't make it good, makes it popular... but so what? you're just getting something that was recycled from somebody else. so a lot of times they see something that works and makes money and that's all they know they don't care that's it un-original so they keep repeating the s***

outta it, and that explains why you see crappy remakes and crappy sequel why all music is starting to sound the same ....

all im saying is that its not they year 2020 or 2030 or 2040 theres not a chip in you yet that controls how you think and what you can decide, dont let them make your mind up for you cause they only like what they like and last time you checked that wasnt you, you got your own taste in what you like, if you dont know what that is go find out cause it worth it, go out and create art in any form through a paint brush, a video camera or from an instrument and a mic and remember most importantly dont let anyone tell you how to create it and when you create it dont care what anyone says about it

p.s do yourself a favor and watch kevin smith: burn in hell and jamie kenny's heckler, or dont its up to you

I can literally feel myself loosing brain cells when i try to watch a reality show

there's certain things that im scared to watch on tv and it has nothing to do with monsters or serial killers or anything in the horror genre, its the shows that are soo stupid that they actually have power to make you dumber its like they're invented by evil scientists and evil researchers and they did tests and studies and all that just to they can tap into the occidental lobe (the part of the brain that takes in the visual images and does image recognition and perception) and by somehow tapping into that it slowly deteriorate every other part of the brain in my head, like
"visually binge drinking" my brain cells start dispersing and i loose every bit of intelligence i ever had from my mind from watching shows that contain extremely shameful and incredibly idiotic behavior that it dumbfounds me on  a profound level so much it causes a twinge of pain in the back of my head where i believe has the be visual area conflicting with the area of the brain that has to deals in higher learning, like they are fighting this visual feed of stupidity entering my brain through my eyes and if i don't stop watching it, my brain will give up and i become a real life brain dead zombie (metaphorically speaking of course)